Posts tagged as Blockchain

9 years ago 1212
Barclays, the London-based international financial company most notably known for its banking operations is set to help charities ...
3 years ago 909
Earlier today an article on the UK International Business Times quoted a source from France’s biggest bank, BNP ...
3 years ago 1153
Earlier today Eddy Travia, CEO of Coinsilium went on CNBC Worldwide Exchange in order to talk a bit ...
9 years ago 940
Guy Zyskind and Oz Nathan, two Bitcoin entrepreneurs, have worked together with MIT’s Media Lab to come up ...
3 years ago 1308
Netki is the brainchild of Justin Newton and a team of former NetZero workers, whose aim is to ...
3 years ago 1346
Unalterable Blockchain-based record-keeping system provider, Factom has sealed a deal with the Honduran government in order to develop ...
9 years ago 1271
If you’ve been following the core development of Bitcoin, you may have noticed an interesting change by one ...
3 years ago 1244
Gavin Andresen, Chief Scientist of the Bitcoin Foundation and lead Bitcoin Core Developer has replied to a user’s ...