All Exchanges Articles

9 years ago 1143
Two days after his arrest in Tokyo, former CEO of Mt. Gox, Mark Karpelès has admitted having used ...
3 years ago 1002
On August 1st, Mark Karpeles, CEO of the bankrupt MtGox Bitcoin exchange, was arrested by Tokyo Police, NHK World ...
9 years ago 1065
United Kingdom based exchange CoinMate recently announced a partnership with payment provider MoneyPolo that will allow its users ...
9 years ago 898
On July 23th, BitReserve added support on its platform for 7 more currencies: Australian dollars, Canadian dollars, Hong Kong ...
9 years ago 1141
Today the Spanish startup Coinffeine has launched its decentralized exchange available for use in approximately 70 countries after ...
3 years ago 1527
Rally, rally, and more rally! Bitcoin price has increased over $20 since our last market report and those ...
3 years ago 1465
Less than one week after Roger Ver accused OKCoin of forgery and breach of contract, the company’s ex-CTO ...
3 years ago 1322
Roger Ver, commonly referred to as “Bitcoin Jesus,” has accused cryptocurrency trading platform OKCoin of forgery and breach of ...